Wednesday, April 2, 2008

If every one of them were written down...

To make room for BeeBo, Tim and I undertook the task of bringing all of our books into one room while Samara slept on Saturday...

These aren't all of them... some are in Tim's study at church - some in mine at school - some in those closed boxes you see on the carpet/chairs... But, it felt like a lot of books, especially since we were trying to organize them...

Tim and I had different organizing methods. I wanted to just start with a stack and make categories as I went. Tim wanted to draw a category like a magnet over the entire mess. We made do. It took 3-4 hours. S woke up in the midst of it all... "Buck? Buck?!" Yes, Samara, there are 'Bucks' all over the place. Don't rip them.

Anyway - we managed to get all of these bucks into 20 or so boxes... 3 to try to sell at the seminary used book sales and a couple boxes we might have to pay people to take:

And 17 to put on shelves in our downstairs study when we finish our basement someday:

When finished we were exhausted...

And then the gospel was read at the seminary's daily celebration of Matins on Monday morning:

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. John 21:25

All of my knowledge in these neat stacks of boxes...

And the things Jesus - would fill the whole world.....


And for those of you who know that the invisible subtitle of this blog is Image-of-God-in-Samara Watcher, here are some pics.

Daddy takes pictures of my hair when he tries to do it.

My hair post-pigtails.


Anonymous said...

We need to do the book thing, too, in preparation to move to a new rental sometime this summer. (There's a very scary room in our basement that is overflowing with books.) And, my office probably needs a little book-sorting party, too.

Here's a quote to add to your thinking about books, too:

Good sermons and good books are if excellent use, but they can serve no other end but that we practice the plain doctrines of Scripture.--Jeremy Taylor.

I read that when ever I feel guilty about the many, many, many books I know I should read, but haven't, many of which are on my shelves!!

Joel said...

Yikes...I'm glad I didn't marry someone who's as sick as I am.

For the record...I'm so OCD that I refuse to keep books that I haven't read. I simply get too much guilt/overwhelmed looking at them (same reason I get anxiuos going into Barnes and Noble, I suspect).

Bethany said...

S's hair post pigtails made me laugh. Lol...

rachelvs said...

What a cutie! We just cleaned up some books too- I didn't have near as many as you, but I do have several boxes that I just don't know where to put!

Anonymous said...

We went to Japan with fifteen boxes of books, all mine. We donated loads to a seminary there and gave some away to friends, coming home with only five boxes of books, two of which need to go to Goodwill someday! I realized that I was never going to look at the vast majority of those books again, and it felt so, so good to be free of them (and yes, the guilt of not having read/re-read/ever really liked them even though they were supposed to be just so good).

Oh, yeah. And I tagged you in another meme. :) No worries if you don't want to do it; I've been making a habit of this...