Thursday, May 8, 2008

the providential ... cough?

Tim and I often talk about Samara's 'providential cold.' It's the cold/sore throat she and I both had on December 4, 2006 that brought her and Tim to the pediatrician's office which led to the pediatrician giving her a thorough exam which led to his observation of her distended abdomen which led to an ultrasound which led to a CT scan which led to the beginning of her healing from cancer.

We thank God for that cold... and I like to give partial credit to a friend of mine whom I'd seen the day before. She was gracious enough to keep from hugging me in order that I might not get sick, but she may have gotten just close enough to give us the 'providential cold.' I thank her and God for it.

Tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow night, and Sunday morning, I have several important engagements which I may or may not blog about in the future, depending on what happens... and last night, I started coughing... a dry, hacking cough = unattractive and feeling like the edge of a greater sickness. I haven't had a cough in months! Why now?

The more I think about it, the more I simply rest in the fact that God knows what God is doing - and when colds come our way, there may be a very good reason for them.

I trust that God's power is made perfect in my weakness, and if a cough is what I need to remind me that I'm dependent on God and not on myself through this weekend, then I thank God for this providential cough.

And now Samara is waking up from her nap - - - coughing. :-? Better go...

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